The 512/524 and 1712/1724 EPGs are three-component governing systems for 12 or 24 Vdc operation. All EPG systems include an actuator, an electronic speed control, and magnetic pickup.
Actuators are available in 12 Vdc or 24 Vdc models with the following work outputs:
512/524 (full governor travel of 30°): 512 = 0.7 J (0.5 ft-lb); 524 = 1.0 J (0.75 ft-lb)
1712/1724 (full governor travel of 35°): 1712 = 1.6 J (1.2 ft-lb); 1724 = 2.3 J (1.7 ft-lb).
Actuator output shaft is 0.375"-36 SAE serrated on each end.
EPG system features include:
• No mechanical drive or hydraulic supply required
• Up to 2.3 J (1.7 ft-lb) available work
• Accepts load sharing accessories
• 12- and 24-volt operation
• Single phase droop or isochronous control
• Switch-selected dual dynamics
• Start-fuel limit for smoke control
• EU Directive Compliant